My Way to 1k Workshop Logo
Image of Alison and Annie

Learn How You Can Sell Your First 1k Online!

You'll have a product to sell by day 3!

  • Without coming up with a brand new invention
  • Without needing a boat load of inventory
  • Without a social media following
  • Without taking time away from your family

LIVE September 23, 24, and 25 at 8:30 pm EST / 5:30 pm PST

Only 90 minutes per day. (Replays will be available for a limited time.)

Get Ready For The Holiday Sales Season Now!
Group Testimonial Image

Join 10,000+ others making extra income

My Way to 1k w Alison & Annie

Learn How You Can Sell Your First 1k Online!

LIVE September 23, 24, and 25
at 8:30 pm EST / 5:30 pm PST

Only 90 minutes per day.
(Replays will be available for a limited time.)

You'll have a product to sell by day 3!

  • Without coming up with a brand new invention
  • Without needing a boat load of inventory
  • Without a social media following
  • Without taking time away from your family

Join 10,000+ others
making extra income

Group Testimonial Image
Costco Connection
Costco Connection
Alison J Prince

This Workshop is Designed to Help You Make Your First $1k in Sales

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You may already be sitting on a gold mine and not even know it.

Dive into the "teacher's edition" and get all the answers.

Accomplish more in 3 days than you have in months!

The My Way to 1k Workshop Works.

Here's the Proof.

My Way to $1k Testimonials

What Are Others Saying About Alison's Workshops?

Over 1,004 Five-Star Reviews

"I never imagined myself being so successful.”"

"Before jumping into Alison's course, I didn’t have any experience selling or with marketing. But I decided to do it. I decided to jump. I decided to start. The amazing community that I found was a life changer. I love everyone who is here. They are so supportive. They push you to do the things that are scary. Before taking Alison’s course, I was a very shy person. I never imagine myself working with other sellers, with suppliers, and running a business. Now I feel confident. I’m so thankful that I know how to bring income into my family. I’m also helping other families, not just my own. That was something I didn’t see coming or knew was possible. My business is impacting others like me, moms who are staying home and taking care of their kids, because I’m able to hire these other moms.


With Alison's help I turned a dream into reality!

"Guys! I made my first sale! $110 in profits!!! I sold a framed wooden print of my artwork! Someone wanted MY art!!!! :grin: Thank you Alison J Prince and all the coaches who helped teach us so much!!! Hopefully these sales keep coming!"


"I cannot speak highly enough about Alison J Prince"

From experience, I’ve learned that you can go a lot quicker, a lot faster with a coach. I was looking for that person who had been where I wanted to be and was a few steps ahead of me so I could learn from them and how to do it. When I found Alison Prince, I jumped on the opportunity to join the $0-$100k program & I’m so happy I did. I learned the steps that I needed to take to start my own business and have it be successful.”


"Follow her plan"

"Alison doesn’t teach you how to sell a product, she teaches you the process to sell the product. You can use any product that you want, because she teaches you the process. Follow her plan, do what she says, & you’ll make it.”


"Thank You"

"I just wanted to sincerely say THANK YOU. In under 5 hours you've managed to boost my confidence, provide a ton of valuable information and speak to my soul. 🙌"

-Havie Lee

"It just took us to another level"

“I came across one of Alison’s ads and I felt it out. It took me awhile to decide because I was like ‘I don’t know this person’ but there was something in me that was like…this is the next step.

There was something we were missing but I knew Alison had figured it out. We decided we were going to go into the course and figure it out & I’m so happy we did. It just took us to another level in our business, actually it doubled our business with all the knowledge Alison shares in her course.

If you are on the fence because there are tons of courses out there, Alison is the real deal. She truly cares about her students & has built an incredible community to help get you started."

-Katie M.

"It's been a game changer!"

"I first started in her programs in March 2021, I was a new mom, and I knew I wanted more for myself. I wanted to be there for my children and provide for sustainable income for my family. I took a chance and I enrolled in her course and it’s been a game changer.

I’ve learned a lot of business and marketing tactics. It’s also helped me to increase my self confidence, not to mention all the great friendships & people I’ve met along the way.”

-Carrie P.

"This group has been absolutely amazing."

"I joined Alison’s group so that I could become a very successful business owner in very short time. I wanted to make sure that I learned from someone else’s experience which has allowed me to grow my business much faster than I would’ve been able to otherwise.

Certainly it would’ve taken me quadruple the time, maybe 10x longer, so I really appreciate everything Alison has done."

-Saundra M.

"You are getting more than just a coach..."

"Once you become a student of Alison’s, she’s dedicated for life. The encouragement, the community provided, the coaches she’s trained, are amazing. It was more than I ever dreamed of getting. After figuring out & narrowing down my focus and my company, I did join Next Level and was able to accelerate my progress even further...

You are getting more than just a coach when you join Alison’s program, you’re getting a community and a life changing experience if you let it."

-Katelyn L.

"When you first think about selling online, it can be overwhelming. This workshop SIMPLIFIES THE PROCESS for you. It even has accountability and daily steps built in - keeping you motivated and giving you the CONFIDENCE to start selling faster."
-Alison J. Prince

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It doesn't need to be complicated!

When I tell people my 10 and 13 year old daughters sold six-figures online before they stepped foot into high school, they usually respond with... Wait WHAT?!

It's true.

Then the next question people ask me is, what did they sell?

Funny thing, it's really not the product, it's the process. I've taught my friends and family and they've all crossed six-figures. And now I have over 4,700 success stories from students who have used this process. And they've all sold different products.

The word got out and people keep emailing us wanting us to share the secrets to making this happen for themselves too.

So we decided to launch a 3-Day Hands-on Workshop to help you not only learn from me, but IMPLEMENT LIVE with me...

By the way, my girl's sold scarves.

Come Join Us!
photo of alison

It doesn't need to be complicated!

When I tell people my 10 and 13 year old daughters sold six-figures online before they stepped foot into high school, they usually respond with... Wait WHAT?!

It's true.

Then the next question people ask me is, what did they sell?

Funny thing, it's really not the product, it's the process. I've taught my friends and family and they've all crossed six-figures. And now I have over 4,700 success stories from students who have used this process. And they've all sold different products.

The word got out and people keep emailing us wanting us to share the secrets to making this happen for themselves too.

So we decided to launch a 3-Day Hands-on Workshop to help you not only learn from me, but IMPLEMENT LIVE with me...

By the way, my girl's sold scarves.

You Ready?

Let's Show You The Simple Steps
To Make Your First 1k Online.

Find a product to sell and get it listed in less than 72 hours!

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Day 1: What to Sell

Find out if you are already sitting on your perfect product. Plus, we'll show you how to get people to want to buy from you!

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Day 2: Where to Buy and Sell

Learn why some products sell out and why others don't and the places to buy top selling items in small quantities. BONUS: We'll be listing a product to sell today!

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Day 3: Why Should We Sell

Finally, we’ll show you how you can confidently ask for the sale and how to maximize your profits.

Ready to get started?

Join The 3-Day Workshop Now- FREE

This is a no-brainer that's just in time for the Summer break!

What You'll Get Graphics

Here’s What You’ll Get:

  • 3 days of hands-on online trainings to help you generate your first 1k selling online - about 1.5 hours each day ($1,200 value)
  • Winning places to sell your products ($297 value)
  • Secret tools to speed up your results (priceless)

➡️ That's a total value of $1,497 for $97 FREE!

IMPORTANT NOTE: We are limiting enrollment to ensure our students are fully supported.

To ensure your enrollment, please register while the workshop is still accessible to the general public.

Frequently Asked Questions

We've got A's for your Q's

What's the 3-Day workshop going to focus on?

Glad you asked! In about 1.5 hours per day over 3 days, we'll work together to help you get products listed for sale by day 3. (Bonus! You can do this with your kids while they are on Summer break!)

I can't wait to show you some of the simplest things I've sold, because if you know the process you can sell anything.

How do I know it's for me?

This hands-on workshop is for you, if you are...

  • Busy and taking care of a bajillion things and want an additional income this Summer...
  • Tried things in the past, and never got things to work (yet)… we can help!
  • Are shocked that a snow cone costs almost as much as minimum wage...
  • You don't want to live on social media, but rather build something more behind-the-scenes where you don’t need a following…
  • Are ready to upgrade your Summer dreams!

What format is the workshop going to be taught?

Interactive live video workshops, daily homework and support from our coaches.

How much do I have to participate?

It's totally up to you. We think you'll get more out of the workshop (and have more fun) if you are actively involved and following along. That means turning off distractions (bye-bye Facebook) and putting in the work for about 90 minutes each day for 3 days.

Does my location matter?

Anyone can join the workshop, as long as you have a solid internet connection. We also recommend being on your computer if possible. That said, most of the workshop is based on best practices in the U.S.

Do I have to invest a lot of money into inventory?

Nope! I actually talk you out of it. You may need a little to start, but no more than it cost for a dinner out with your family. We'll teach you how to use your profits to scale.

Have More Questions About The My Way to $1k Challenge?

Contact our support team at 

My Way to 1k Workshop Logo

But Hurry! We're Filling Up Fast...

We are limited on our virtual bandwidth. That means once we've reached capacity, we're closing down this page...

To secure your spot while you still can and receive $1,497 worth of training for just $97 FREE
click the link below today.

Click Above to Save Your Seat Now

September 23rd, 24th & 25th at 8:30pm EST / 5:30pm PST.